Tuesday 23 June 2009



Speaking ahead of the final debate and votes tomorrow (Wednesday) on Scotland’s world leading Climate Change legislation SNP MSP and member of the Scottish Parliament’s Climate Change Committee Shirley-Anne Somerville urged MSPs to back the legislation and put Scotland at the front of international efforts to fight Climate Change.

Ms Somerville highlighted the SNP’s decision to seek a 42% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions – not just CO2 emissions - by 2020 with annual targets from 2010; the inclusion of aviation and shipping emissions; the decision to monitor domestic consumption – not just production of emissions and a target of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050 as key principles that can put Scotland ahead of our UK counterparts and lead international efforts.

Ms Somerville, who has lodged amendments to ensure decisions on emissions targets relate to expert evidence and advice said;

“The Scottish Parliament has a track record of passing world leading legislation from land reform to the smoking ban.

“Today’s bill is a chance to put Scotland at the forefront of international efforts to tackle climate change and to demonstrate that Scotland has what it takes to set the pace of action on climate change.

“The SNP has made clear that the targets and ambitions in this bill must be based on the best advice of scientists and experts – not the whims of politicians.

“We are now putting that advice into practice to ensure Scotland makes her contribution to addressing the problems of climate change with targets to reduce emissions of all greenhouse gases, including aviation and shipping emissions and focussing not only on the production of emissions in Scotland but also their consumption.

“Meeting this challenge will not only make Scotland greener, but has the potential to create 16,000 green jobs over the next decade as we deliver increased renewable energy, improve homes and energy efficiency and put leading Scottish technology into practice.

“I hope MSPs from all parties will back this bill to allow Scotland to play our part in addressing global environmental issues, to pass world leading legislation and to encourage the UK and EU to meet the challenge in front of them with a groundbreaking agreement at Copenhagen.”

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